𝑛-Body and Extended Body Gravitation for Kerbal Space Program - mockingbirdnest/Principia
A long term soviet probe project. Contribute to KSP-RO/SovietProbes development by creating an account on GitHub. The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network. Contribute to KSP-CKAN/CKAN development by creating an account on GitHub. LCD - Launch CountDown Mod for KSP. Contribute to Athlonic/LaunchCountDown development by creating an account on GitHub. BioMass Science+ Mod for KSP. Contribute to VigilanteInc/BioMass development by creating an account on GitHub. Building a beautiful house in ksp Строительство красивого домика 2268 Parts count Mods: Tweak scale, kerbpaimnt, glasses panels Download: http://kerbalspaceQuickMute on SpaceDockhttps://spacedock.info/mod/quickmuteQuickMute is a plugin which adds the possibility to mute all the KSP sounds. All vehicles are stock KSP #kerbalspaceprogram2 # ksp2 #buildflydream NEW: JOIN MY Discord: discord.gg/Tjhczq 🠴Join me to stay in the loop for more KSP stuff and general madness, K.
I know it's relatively unimpressive, but hey, it was my first time! I'm proud! The M1919 saw service as a light infantry, coaxial, mounted, aircraft, and anti-aircraft machine gun by the U.S. and many other countries. So last night I decided I wanted to show you a few combat scenarios with my GI-3 fighters..but first, we need some stuff to fight, like surface-to-air missile launchers. SAM Download: kerbalx.com/…ard13007/SAM 5-PAC-3-TWS Game: Kerbal…Mods | PaydayModspaydaymods.com/modsThis mod will automatically switch your weapon to a predefined fire mode when aiming down sight. ADS fire mode is on "single" by default, you can edit this in *playerstandard.lua* (line 1).  You… First of all sorry for the crappy animation it has been made in a very short time. This animation is purley to promote the barge mod That has been made in coResources - Mods - Kerbal Space Program - CurseForgehttps://curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/resourcesKSP Interstellar Extended aims to continue in providing a realistic road to the stars. The Graphics Enhancements Assembly includes a lot of textures and settings, allowing you to making your graphics in KSP even better and more colorful.
MechJeb Embedded with ModuleManager it Gives MechJeb Functionality to every command module, even from mods! Version Independent (should be :P) Career mo Space Telescopes with Galaxies and Rover Chemical analysis The standard library and examples for the Kerboscript language - KSP-KOS/KSLib I know it's relatively unimpressive, but hey, it was my first time! I'm proud! The M1919 saw service as a light infantry, coaxial, mounted, aircraft, and anti-aircraft machine gun by the U.S. and many other countries. So last night I decided I wanted to show you a few combat scenarios with my GI-3 fighters..but first, we need some stuff to fight, like surface-to-air missile launchers. SAM Download: kerbalx.com/…ard13007/SAM 5-PAC-3-TWS Game: Kerbal…Mods | PaydayModspaydaymods.com/modsThis mod will automatically switch your weapon to a predefined fire mode when aiming down sight. ADS fire mode is on "single" by default, you can edit this in *playerstandard.lua* (line 1).  You…
There's fast and then there's WAY TOO FAST. --- Patreon --- https://www.patreon.com/Stratzenblitz75 --- Music Credits --- Music Released by Mahi Song Title: A Place I Used to Know - Mahi Download: https://soundcloud.com… There's fast and then there's WAY TOO FAST. --- Patreon --- https://www.…atzenblitz75 --- Music Credits --- Music Released by Mahi Song TitKSP : Sputnik 1 - YouTube13:36youtube.com23. 11. 201314 tis. zhlédnutíDownload Sputnik 1 craft here: http://www.m…dn35/Sputnik%20m1.craft ---Outer Planets Mod - Mods - Kerbal Space Program - CurseForgehttps://curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/outer-planets-modExpands the Kerbol system with new planets and moons, inspired by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and their moons MechJeb Embedded with ModuleManager it Gives MechJeb Functionality to every command module, even from mods! Version Independent (should be :P) Career mo Space Telescopes with Galaxies and Rover Chemical analysis The standard library and examples for the Kerboscript language - KSP-KOS/KSLib
Simple script for making KSP mod releases. Contribute to ihsoft/KerbalReleaseBuilder development by creating an account on GitHub.